JAMBO asbl is a human rights association which was created on 11 January 2008, originally under the name "Association of Young People from the Great Lakes Region, abbreviated Jambo" and which was registered with the Belgian Monitor on January 15, 2008.
The purpose of the association is to promote socio-cultural exchanges and to carry out projects aimed at peace, dialogue, justice, cohabitation and sustainable development in Africa's great lakes and in the diaspora.
It also aims to contribute to the defense and recognition of victims of conflicts in Africa's Great Lakes region by offering them psycho-social support and promoting justice to support all the victims and survivors.
Its intention is to create peace, friendship and fraternity between peoples, especially those of the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
It calls for the union and action of all those who intend to oppose discrimination, hatred and prejudices based on an alleged race, nationality, language, culture, national or ethnic origin, as well as prejudices based on gender, skin color, sexual orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs.
Based in Brussels, the association is composed of about fifty active members and nearly 14,000 followers on social networks, mainly located in Belgium.
The ideal of JAMBO asbl is a world where everyone is the master of his own destiny.
Two-thirds of JAMBO’s members hold a postgraduate degree across various sectors which allows them to advocate for JAMBO’S ideal on a personal scale as well.
On 24 July, a Mr. Gilles FORET tabled a bill which challenged us as Belgians of Rwandan origin. The bill purports to "sanction natural and legal persons who deny the existence of the genocide of Tutsis and moderate Hutus committed in Rwanda in the spring of 1994 ".
We are deeply concerned by the shortcomings of the draft law, which, without rectification, could lead Belgium to pass a law that could, in addition to stifling liberty, fuel community tensions, contrary to what it seems to want advocate.
Our concern is essentially with the terms "moderate Hutus" and "Hutu Power" which are likely to stigmatize some Rwandans for eternity.
We would like to share with you all our comments on this bill to allow you to discuss the content with full knowledge of the facts.
Our observations will focus on three issues:
- is the law appropriate in principle?
- is the law timely in its content?
- what would the objectives be in case the law is adopted?
2. Is the law appropriate in principle?
3. Is the law timely in its content?
4. What would be the objectives in case of adoption of the law?